Vivo Pro V15 immediately slide in various places of the world like the one India. It confirmed the company through an official account postings Vivo India in social media. In addition to the date of the release, Vivo India also confirm Vivo Pro V15 camera will display a pop-up. Instead of a new mechanism, before the company had released the camera pop-up through Vivo Nex s. self 8MP camera on Different Nex S changed to 32MP in Pro V15. Another feature taken from the Pro V15 Nex S is the fingerprint scanner in the screen, which also already implemented in V11 Pro who spend some time ago. In addition to Vivo, is also a schedule of Samsung Unpacked 2019. That means Vivo Pro V15 will compete with introduction of the Samsung Galaxy and Galaxy S10 S10 + in terms of attracting people's attention. The camera pop-up is already visible on the Oppo Find x. Profit have a pop-up screen camera is a smart phone can full bangs without being bothered or hole camera. If you are worrie...
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