Like the previous outstanding price, Apple iPhone for three lines inaugurated this year. Each named iPhone XS, and Max iPhone XR. iPhone iPhone and Max XS is the successor of X iPhone, released last year. Some nearly covers the processor architecture of the first with the A12 7 nm, dual camera 12 megapixel, as well as support dual-SIM. iPhone XR actually brings the specification and design that is not too much different. It's just, this smart phone is cheaper price, so there are some advantages of the iPhone and the Max XS not found on this phone. Among other things, the iPhone still use XR LCD screen (in the iPhone and Max XS OLE already), just one behind her camera (not double), and there are no features 3D Touch that became the mainstay of Apple's flagship. No wonder if the price of the iPhone cheaper XR. iPhone price XR started 749 us dollars (USD 10.7 millions). This phone is available in five colors (black, white, red, blue coral, and yellow) and three configur...
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